Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Ballad of Fuck All

My back decided to go numb right in the middle the other day for absolutely no reason.  I thought, Hey, that's weird and annoying, and didn't think anything else of it.  

Sometimes when people get really stressed out, their bodies do weird things like that.  

Then today I woke up and couldn't walk.  

This just won't do.  

Tomorrow is Halloween, 
Friday Rhiannon is having a bonfire 
and Saturday the Mister is having some stupid man-party.  

My back needs to cut it out.

On Saturday our neighbors threw a huge Halloween party.  Every neighbor on the block was there and we were meeting them all at the same time.  

I went as this.

The Mister was super embarrassed of me.
(He did not dress up.  I told him I was going to tell everyone that he was going as a "Stick in the Mud".)
BUT.....I won the best costume award.
(TAKE THAT stupid stick in the mud Mister,)

They had THE BIGGEST bonfire I'd ever seen.

We learned that our neighbors really like :

the Blackhawks

We have one thing in common.  
I will let you figure out what it is.

AND my makeup held up really well!  I thought for sure I'd look like a hot mess by the end of the night.....especially since I had a ridiculous amount of tequila.

(This is seriously what nightmares are made of.)

 Happy Humpday.  

Monday, October 28, 2013


Every year we go to a pumpkin patch with the girls. 

 This year we went to Bengstons.  
It was by far my favorite Pumpkin patch and one that I felt, for the first time, was worth the money.  

With the exception of the camel and pony rides, everything was included in the admission price.

Including this awesome ride.

I even got my teenager to participate in the ridiculousness.

(That is no small feat!)

Here, Clara is SUPER happy about going on a camel ride.

Rhiannon is not.  
At all.

This is a zombie man puking.  

It was disturbing.  
Rhiannon loved it, of course.

They also had:

A fun *scary barn
a real scary barn
a petting zoo
about 5 different rides
Tons of delicious food
pig races
a band
a giant slide
a corn box
a play place
hay rack rides
and of course, tons of huge awesome pumpkins.

If you have kids, or like doing the pumpkin patch thing, I highly recommend Bengtson's!

Happy Monday!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Back to Black

Yesterday I had an old friend randomly text me this article.    At that moment, I needed to read it too.  Isn't it funny how some people, your true friends-the one's you have an undeniable connection with- always seem to know when you need them? I am lucky to have a few soul sisters in this life.

Truth is, I've been struggling lately.  I know that I have absolutely no reason to feel the way I do.  I have a husband who is way to good for me, that I really don't deserve, who gives me anything I could ever want, we have a comfortable home and I have two healthy kids.  On top of that I'm allowed to stay at home with my kids.  I get to be with them and mold them into the people they will become, all by myself.  I think that's important, too.  I don't want to send them to daycare or have a nanny come and do my job for me.

However, everyday I feel like I am losing more and more of myself.  I feel like I am getting lost in the mundane, that I am wasting my life, my chances of being someone, anyone, by way of laundry and suppers and carpooling and cleaning and etc etc, when in reality I don't think I have ever known who exactly I am supposed to be.  Everyone I know is now excelling in their careers and chosen life paths and I feel like I am doing the same thing, walking down the same  old dusty path, playing wife and mom.

It's true that change is essential for your mental health.  
So why is it so hard to change your path sometimes?

TGI Humpday!

Monday, October 21, 2013

Green Curry with Rice Milk and Coconut Oil

Since moving to the burb's our grocery bill has pretty much doubled.  I have yet to find any kind of store to replace my beloved Stanley's.    That being said, I have been trying new ways to stretch the amount of time in-between grocery store trips.  The other day I REALLY wanted some green curry.  It is my absolute favorite fall time comfort food.  Its cheap and easy to make and oh-so delicious.  However, I was out of coconut milk.  I scoured the internet to see if anybody had ever made curry with just coconut oil and rice milk (which is what I had on hand).

I couldn't find a single recipe SO I bit the bullet and really hoped I wouldn't screw up dinner in the process. 

It was a delicious success.

Crystal's Green Curry with Rice Milk and Coconut Oil

  • Coconut Oil
  • Rice Milk
  • 1/2 tsp ground Ginger
  • 2 T green curry paste (I use the world foods brand.  It's sold at Jewel and is gluten free/dairy free.)
  • Vegetables of choice  (I use two bags of frozen stir fry vegetables.)  *of course if you like meat, add some of that too.  Just precook it before adding it in.
  • Quinoa, rice, noodles or whatever you like to eat your curry on.

  1. Take about 2 tablespoons of coconut oil and put in a small sauce pan over M heat.  When it's melted, add two tablespoons (or more!) of your green curry paste. mix together and add around 2 cups of your rice milk.  Take off heat and set aside.
  2. Saute your vegetables in a little bit of coconut oil and ginger, 
  3. Make your filler.  (We used quinoa.)
  4. Add your curry mix to the vegetables and let simmer for 5-10 minutes.
This is literally the best curry I have ever made.  The Mister and I finished it all in one sitting.  I even didn't hate quinoa with it!

  Don't forget to add some Sriracha for that extra kick!

Happy Monday!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

You Are My Sunshine

Happy Birthday to this lady right here!

 We thoroughly enjoyed making a copious amount of bad decisions with you this weekend!

Welcome to the old lady club!

Happy Humpday!!!

Friday, October 11, 2013


As a parent, I've always made it a priority to teach my children that everyone is equal regardless of race, age, color or sexual orientation.  

People are people. 
We have the same feelings underneath our exteriors. 
 Love them all.  
Respect them all.  

The other day I was chatting with a seemingly nice woman about the area while our kids played at the park.  (There were actually kids at the park!)  She asked what school district  my child was going to, I told her and she instantly stepped back, lowered her voice and told me I need to be very careful.  

Instantly worried there was something wrong with the curriculum I asked why?  Was it riddled with drugs? Were the teachers not qualified?  Was there a low college acceptance rate that I had missed while doing my research?  


She say's, "well.....lets just say it's a melting pot."

I kind of cocked my head to one side and looked at her with a confused look, hoping she wouldn't say what I knew she was going to say.  

Alas she continued with,

"Lets just say it's very diverse."

I then told her how fantastic that was and most people would love to have their children grow up in diverse areas.  How it adds to their character to grow up loving and accepting everyone, instead of being afraid of people who are different.

Then she huffed at me and took her children home.

Racism is alive, folks, and it lives in the south suburbs.

Do you know what else lives here?  
More great police work.

I'm going to be honest, I was looking through the local police blotter to see if this incident was there.

Have a fantastic weekend!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013


This weekend was wrapped up with one of my best friend's weddings, followed by a bittersweet goodbye to another great friend who is starting a new adventure in life halfway across the country, meeting a brand new baby who is the sweetest little thing I've ever seen and immediately followed by a phone call filled with wonderful and exciting news that I can not talk about right now.

For all you youngsters out there, believe it.

30 is the new 20.

Dubstep Violin- Lindsey Stirling- Crystallize by lovmisrerfr

Lots of love to you on this Wednesday.

Happy Humpday!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Milk Thistle

We finally have music in our house again!

I've always had a piano in our home.  It was the first thing I bought when Rhiannon and I became a duo.  I can't play much because I have arthritis in my fingers (awesome!) and Rhiannon always lacked the dedication to try and learn.  But, I did manage to teach her the one and only, Heart and Soul, and lots of people I know play beautifully so my piano's have always been used.

    However, the Mister got tired of having to pay to have it moved from our five thousand different apartments. 
So we have been without for the last 4 1/2 years or so.

 I compromised on style and we ended up with an electric piano. 
(Something I said I would never do.) 
This is ironic for two different reasons;

  1.  It's the most expensive piano I ever had.  The most I ever paid for a piano was $100, and that was the very most.  (I had to give the Mister a very hard time about that one.)  There are a lot of really nice piano's available on craigslist for free-if you pick them up.
  2. We just bought this house, so we are not moving anytime soon.  We could have gotten the worlds heaviest piano and it wouldn't of mattered. 
Regardless, last night Rhiannon and I pounded out (quite possibly the worst rendition of) Heart & Soul , while giggling up a storm.  

We then pouted while the Mister sat down and played some beautiful sounding melody he pulled out of thin air. 
(He's never had any training or experience in anything musical.)
Luckily for Clara, she seems to take after her dad.  
(She starts lessons next week.)

Happy Humpday!