Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Postcards / A Sunday Smile

I've had a sick kid at home the past two days, and it is all the same to me.  There are some kids at school that have been saying some pretty horrible things about her and to be quite honest, I would rather have her home with me.

I know they are just kids......but nobody should be made to feel like how they have made her feel lately.  I think I'm over with dealing with the over privileged and entitled rich kids.  I don't mind being snubbed by the folks at school functions.   I do mind when it happens to Rhiannon.

I think it might be time to move back with the hippies.  

Yesterday it started sleeting/snowing right after Clara's tumbling class, which ended at 10 A.M.  Every time I looked out the window since then it was coming down harder and faster then before.  While Rhiannon slept away her chest cold, Clara and I dug deep into the art cabinet and found some of my old stamps.

You know how writing letters is, unfortunately, a lost art?  

Well, so is homemade postcards.

However this is a fantastic activity for toddlers to do.  It will definitely put a smile on whomever's face receives it AND your wee one just might get something back.

Have you ever seen a toddler/preschooler receive mail?  

It's better then Christmas   

All it takes is some scrap construction paper and stamps.  

Instant!  Afternoon!  Fun!

(We can't forget daddy!  I think he has so many paintings he could wallpaper his entire office with them!)

Finally when the outside world didn't look like such a white out, we trekked across the street to improve our snow man.  The new Snowman is about 6 foot tall now.  All that snow was PERFECT packing snow!

Have I ever told you how much I love Beirut?  

Seriously.  Instant, beautiful, pure happiness. 

 And he is just so fucking cute.


Happy Hump day!

Monday, February 25, 2013

Green-eyed Monster

Seeing Mama hold a sweet new little baby makes me become the clingiest and most scared three year old in the whole world!

(Seriously.  It's a good thing she's the baby!)

Good thing she had some fantastic distractions!

Thanks for the fabulous afternoon Mr. & Mrs B!  We loved getting to meet your sweet new little babe!

Happy Monday!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Coddling? / Thanks For The Memory

Well today was stab number two at preschooling Clara.  It's only ten am and we are back at home....

This is how the morning went...

  • We got to the school.  Clara seemed fine. 
          (They hadn't opened the door yet.)
  • In the three minutes it took for them to open the door Clara was starting to get her crazy eyes and making whimpering noises.  (She does this when she gets scared and before major meltdowns start.)  
  • They unlocked the door.  
  • Clara starts sobbing while telling me she wants to go home, to bed, she's hungry, etc.  Basically wanting to do anything EXCEPT go to school.  
  • I get Clara to stop crying and stand by the wall while I talk to the teacher.
  • Clara stood right where I told her to, making horrible deep chest, inward sobbing sounds. 

This was the first time I had a chance to talk to the teacher since last week's horrible terrible first school experience.  After pleasantries I asked the teacher exactly what she did to try and help Clara not be as frightened.  

"Well I asked her about her dog and I tried to engage her in the conversation every now and then."

I asked if anything was done to actually tried to make her comforted, as in any type of warm gesture at all. 

"No, we don't do that here."

At this point I was almost in tears and this is why.  I understand that you shouldn't cuddle with the kids at a preschool.  It's a school and not a daycare.  But why wouldn't you try and do ANYTHING more then "ask her about her dog," and "try and engage her in the conversation now and then."  Not only did the answers feel, but the way she said it felt very cold to me.  (And I'm an adult!)

 I told her thank you for her time, took Clara to the front desk, cancelled her registration and got our money back.

(Seriously.  I have to apologize to the nice lady at the registration desk who kept telling the crazy lady who was desperately trying to hold back tears with a sobbing toddler that it was okay.  I'm so sorry nice lady.  Thank you for not making me feel worse.)

After we left I called the Mister to tell him how the morning went.  I was surprised to find the way  I feel and the way he feels about this situation are completely different.  He thinks I am coddling her and that I just need to leave her there to let her figure it out on her own.

I get it.  I totally do.  We searched and searched for preschools that wouldn't cost us $20k + a year.  We broke our backs trying to get the kid potty trained in time for registration.  We found (what looked to be) the perfect preschool, right by our house, with an unbeatable price.

But this does not feel right.  

She should not wake up in the morning and tearfully ask if I am going to make her go to school.  That is not what I want her first memory of school to be of.  It should be happy.  It should be carefree.

Maybe I am having so much trouble because Rhiannon literally high fived me on her first day of school while skipping to the bus.  I never had to deal with this separation anxiety before.  

Maybe I DO coddle Clara.  

I know I am extra cautious of her.  I think that is pretty normal of parents who had to deal with the mortality of their child  from birth.

Fact of the matter is this, I have been parenting for 13 years now and I have NO CLUE what I'm doing.  I thought this whole second kid thing would be a breeze.  I'm quickly learning that my first kid is EXACTLY like me, therefore was pretty easy to parent.

Clara is not.

She is shy.  She doesn't want attention from anyone but Momma, Daddy and Rhiannon.  She would rather play with her dolls and make up different worlds in her head then have a real conversation with another kid.

She is my little introvert dreamer.

Even though I know I have no clue what I am doing I do believe I am right to follow my gut feeling in pulling her out.  I wholeheartedly think that her memories of her first school experience should be happy ones.

Thanks, Mom for letting me know both Clara and My feelings are completely normal and reminding me I should never doubt my gut instinct.  I love you.  You're the best.

Happy Hump Day, Folks.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Juicing and Smoking

We bought a few new toys this weekend.

They are pretty fantastic.
At least mine is.

This picture is a pretty good preview of what our weekend consisted of.  

Except the vodka.  

Surprisingly enough, that did not get opened.

(Cheapest Costco visit we ever had!)

The Mister got himself a food saver.  His original plan was to take that giant pork loin and have a nice slow day with his smoker.  

Reality was, the smoker was frozen shut.  

So the ten lbs of pork were cooked in the oven instead. 

(Which is a crying shame!)  

HOWEVER, he did get to use his fancy-schmancy new food saver to help him have all sorts of delicious lunches.

(Has anyone ever used a foodsaver before?)

 It took him forever to get all of the seals on the bags done and it "overheated" about every three bags.  

Any words of advice for us?  Is it just a scam of a machine?

This is my new toy!  

I've been hinting to the Mister about wanting a juicer for quite some time now.

(He never quite got the hint.  Until I said the actual words, that is.)

It is fantastic.  

Every morning Clara says, 

"Juicy juice, Mama!  I want some Juicy Juice!"

(I didn't realize the fruit actually explodes.  Clara and I were laughing like madmen in this photo.)

My favorite recipe that we have come up with is this:

Peach Mango Madness

  • 2 Peaches
  • 1 Mango
  • 1 wedge Cantaloupe
  • 1 orange

  1. Peel the orange and mango.  
  2. Cut the cantaloupe from the rind.  
  3. Take the pit out of the peaches.  
  4. Juice
This concoction is sooooo creamy and delicious! 

I absolutely can not wait till peach season comes!

(Hey, Girls.  Remember my delicious peach margarita's I like to make in the summer?  Well I do believe they just became yummier.  Come on summer!!!)

In other news.....
I start my triathlon training today.  

Operation stop being chubby is in full affect!

If you are interested in training too, this is the schedule I am following.  

Hope you are having a great week!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Loving, done correctly

Any man can bring his significant other chocolates and roses for Valentines day. 

It's a silly tradition, I agree, but a fun one.

However, if you really want the correct reaction for valentines day, surprise your daughters with flowers, chocolates and balloons.  

Your girls will light up.  They will feel like the most special girls in the whole world. 

 Your wife will melt with all the love you pour on them, not just today, but everyday.

Love you so much, Mister.  
You are irreplaceable in our hearts.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Preschool!!!/Wednesday Music Break - 39

Today was Clara's first day of preschool.  

She woke up at 6:30 excited as a three year old could be. 

 "I get to go to school today!"  She exclaimed to any and every one that would listen "I get to go to school today!" she said to her big sister.  "Hi dragons!  I'm going to school today!"  "Aww, Buehrle dog!  I'm going to school today!  But you can't come!"  

This is what was coming out of her mouth all morning long.

Well.....I could use four letters to sum up her first school experience.  I'll use four words instead.


She cried the ENTIRE TIME.

For three whole hours she stood in the corner and cried.

I understand that the kids have to figure out the separation from mom and dad.......But I'm not sure why the teachers didn't call me.....oh I don't know, after the first hour and a half.

Seriously people!  

I don't want my baby sobbing in the corner for three freaking hours!


I guess we will try again next week.  If it is a repeat performance, school will have to wait a few more months.  

Okay Freddie Mercury. 

I'm ready for my midweek break now..

Happy Hump Day!

(Is that not the most fabulous outfit you have ever seen?)

Tuesday, February 12, 2013


Yesterday was insanely busy.  

Clara and I had a huge Valentines date in the morning followed by 5000 errands to run in the afternoon.  

Today the poor kid has to have dental surgery.  

(Nothing major, but this is 3 surgeries in 3 years!) 

I've been feeling very stagnant lately.  Have you ever felt that way?  

I'm sick of feeling this way.  I'm ready for spring.

Some wonderful reminders of how extraordinary you are

(and how not to be stagnant) .......

  1. A soldier of sorts is diligently fighting the fight so you don’t have to.
  2. Someone who suffered from a severe injury last year is back on their feet.
  3. A small group of people are building something that will soon make the impossible possible.
  4. Somewhere on Earth a double rainbow is stretched from one end of the horizon to the other.
  5. One of the next Billboard-chart-topping musical artists is patiently rehearsing in her garage.
  6. A piece of literature is being written that will eventually change your perspective on life.
  7. Young children all over the world are singing and dancing before they even realize there is anything that isn’t music.
  8. A friend is helping a friend rise above thoughts of suicide.
  9. Someone is thinking what you’re thinking, but hasn’t said anything yet either.
  10. Two people in your hometown are falling in love.
  11. Somewhere someone is admiring a breathtaking sunrise, and somewhere else a surreal sunset.
  12. People of various religious backgrounds are in temples, churches, mosques and other places of worship praying, wholeheartedly, for world peace.
  13. Someone who has struggled with their weight for the last several years is standing on a scale and smiling.
  14. Hundreds of cute elderly couples are celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary.
  15. A baby girl just took her first few steps without falling.
  16. Two best friends are laughing so hard they aren’t even making any noise.
  17. A future world leader is in grade school at recess.
  18. Someone is in the process of sincerely forgiving a seemingly unforgivable act.
  19. There’s a kid studying hard somewhere who aspires to get to where you are in life.
  20. A firefighter is running into a burning building to rescue a perfect stranger.
  21. Someone in your vicinity genuinely wants to be your friend.
  22. A young mom is lying in a hospital bed and holding her newborn baby twins for the very first time.
  23. Someone is taking a shower and singing happily at the top of their lungs.
  24. There is someone out there who smiles when they think of a specific moment they once shared with you.
  25. An alcoholic just celebrated one full year of sobriety.
  26. Volunteers in major cities all over the world are working at homeless shelters caring for those who are less fortunate than themselves.
  27. A young man is pulled over on the side of the road helping a young woman change a flat tire.
  28. A high school athlete just broke her own personal record.
  29. Two teenagers just received their very first kiss ever from each other.
  30. A husband and wife who were drowning in debt five years ago proudly hold a balance of zero on their credit cards.
  31. Someone is hugging a friend who desperately needs it.
  32. A new small business owner just wrapped up his first profitable year working for himself.
  33. A grandfather is holding his granddaughter’s hand and they’re both smiling from ear to ear.
  34. Someone just placed their spare change in the charity collection cup at the grocery store.
  35. A small group of friends are sitting around a table sharing funny stories and cheerfully reminiscing about the good old days.
  36. A breast cancer patient just found out her cancer is in complete remission.
  37. Someone out there is missing you and looking forward to your next visit.
  38. Honest people are working for various government entities to help protect your basic human rights and civil liberties.
  39. An emergency room surgeon is in the middle of saving his patient’s life.
  40. Someone is holding the door open for the person behind them.

(originally from here)

Have An Extraordinary Day!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Wednesday Music Break, I'm on Fire

Happy hump day, people.  

Some things bothering me these days.....

  • Knowing I am doing a terrible job at helping my 12 year old figure out how to conquer being 12.
  • My crazy ass dreams that are just out of control and consistent every night.

Things consoling me.......

  • Knowing I am not alone in feeling like a mother who is failing her 12 year old girl. 
  • Knowing I never will have to change a poopy diaper again!  (More on that on Friday)

It's a true story that I hate Bruce Springsteen.  However, this song is definitely in my top 50 all time favorites.

Enjoy the rest of your week people!  

I'm excited for Rhiannon to have her very first Father Daughter dance this weekend.  

(I know she is too!)

Bruce Springsteen - I'm On Fire by jpdc11

Monday, February 4, 2013

Clara's 3d Birthday

I think Clara probably had the best third birthday any little girl could ask for.  

It all started at 5:30 in the morning when she decided to creep into our room with one of the balloons the "birthday faerie" left her.....And it was nonstop from there on!  Here is a little photo recap.

While the Birthday Girl was eating her breakfast cake I asked her the birthday questions.

Some of my favorite answers this year.......

Q. What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch?  
A. Supper.  The kind you (as in me) make.

Q.  What is your favorite animal?
A.  Dragons.  (*bearded)

Q.  What is your favorite Holiday?
A.  I don't care, Mama.

We weren't going to do presents this year (since the kid has way to many toys anyway) BUT the after Christmas clearance sales got the best of me and I caved. 

 She has already taken over 100 pictures with her new camera.  

Over half of them are of Buehrle.

It snowed the entire night before her birthday and The Mister had told Clara the snowfall was her other present.  After she tired of playing with her tent and camera she sweetly came up to us asked if she could 

"go play with her other present?  The snow?"

How could we say no?  So off to sledding it was!

 We went down together a few times.  

Then Clara decided she was big enough to go by herself.  She LOVED it!

After a quick nap it was party time!!!  

This year I decided to have her party at a play cafe.  

I don't know why I haven't done this every year!  
(I didn't have to cook or clean a single thing.) 

The kids had a great time playing with all the toys and houses.  

(A real piano!  And the cutest fire chief you ever saw!)

Of course the day ended with Clara playing the "hiding" game with her best friend in the whole world......

Happy Monday!