This is my dad. His name is Phil and he's pretty amazing. When I was younger he used to take me on his Harley for motorcycle rides. (This might have secretly put the seed in my head to like bad boys.)
The "engagement ring" he gave my mom was a black leather jacket. When my parents got married, it looked like this...
Yes, they did say f*^% that to the white dress, we want Harley Davidson t-shirts, blue jeans and cowboy boots.
My parents have 9 children. My mom stayed at home and took care of all of us. (She's pretty amazing too, but this isn't about her.) It feels as though my dad has worked every single day to ensure all of his children lived very comfortably. If he wasn't at work, he was always on call.
As I get older I realize just how much I am like him. I am a perfectionist about certain things. For example, please don't ever help me try and do the dishes, it will only annoy me that you are not doing it correctly. Also I have a strange love of mowing the lawn (compulsively.) Anyone who knows Phil knows his love of a perfect looking lawn. (Although I enjoy my dandelions, sorry dad!)
Where my dad is the most amazing, I believe, is when he is working with wood. Anytime one of his girls comes to him with any idea he will take their idea and whip it into reality. This is a bookshelf he made for my little sister.....
The most amazing thing he has built recently is a log cabin playhouse for his grandchildren. He drew out the blueprint of how he wanted it to look on the back of a napkin and built it in a weekend. I actually called him up one day, asked what he was up to and got a reply that was "Well Crystal, I'm just about to put the roof on the cabin." Of course I had no idea what he was talking about until mom sent me this picture.
Isn't it amazing? It is tall enough on the inside for me to stand in (I'm 5'4). Here is how the building process went.......

If you are interested in buying one of these beautiful handmade little playhouses please let me know! They can be custom made to your liking and are made with the utmost attention to detail. It is a beautiful piece that will last throughout your children's younger years and could easily be converted into an outdoor garden room!
The Grandchildren definitely have given their approval!
Email me to find out more details on how to get one for yourself!
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