Here are a few things we learned on our all day beach adventure.
- Taking our spastic around other dogs dog to the dog beach is not fun for the human involved. Especially when I have to run about a mile to catch his stupid arse. (The mister took him home after that so I wouldn't have to murder him. I didn't even have to ask him to. I just walked up with the "look" on my face.)
- Our water dog is actually afraid of water, (which makes it easier for us not to feel bad when we go to the beach with out him forever more.)
- The closer you put your umbrella to the water the less you will get pelted with sand when the wind picks up.
- When mothers put sunscreen on their children, they must also remember to spray themselves! (OUCH!)
- This pin actually works if you do forget the sunscreen. (The mister made a lot of fun at my expense while I was doing this. Who's laughing now, buddy?)
Even though there were a few snags and uncomfortable moments here and there it was an overall success! Best part of the day is when we convinced the princess aka Clara that sand and water are fun! Here are a few shots of the day...

Being Sassy pant for the camera while taking a lunch break. These two were in the water the whole time!
Clara and daddy making sand castles......
Slowly edging to the water.........
Daddy took a chance and it worked! About 5 hrs into our day and she was finally all about the water!!!!
Unfortunately for mommy, the lack of sunscreen had taken its toll, so I retreated back to the shade, where I should have been all along.
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