Friday, February 10, 2012

Vinyl Finger Paintings

Well I don't know about you but I am so glad it is Friday.  This has been one of the most emotionally and physically trying weeks I have had in quite some time.  On top of half the household getting the flu and the dog deciding to start using the floor as his toilet again and being told my dress probably wouldn't get fixed in time for the wedding when the wedding is six weeks away,  I was also dealing with unjustly getting dumped on emotionally.  At times like these I have to remind myself to revert to my old motto's.  Forgive fully and It can always get worse.  Yesterday that is just what I decided to do.  I took a deep breath and walked away from the situation.  I hope by doing so things will just eventually calm themselves out.

Sometimes it is so hard to walk away and keep your mouth shut when you know there is so much more that could be said.  I know that I have especially have a problem with that.  Now that I am older I am trying to not get sucked up in anything negative and keep only positive thoughts.  Like most I know, I lived most of my twenties being angry, confused and mean.  While I wrap those awesome 20's up I am doing the best I can to keep things positive.

That is actually why I started this blog.  To have a constant reminder of all the good this life has given me.

I must say, the week of hell ended on one of the most positive notes ever! Life has proven to be good again!  Last night I got an email announcing the arrival of one of my most precious friends first baby!  And it is a BOY!!!!!!!!!

I am going to steal that adorable little guy and do all sorts of boy-ish field trips that my girls would never do with me.  I am SO PROUD of you N&A!  You are going to be such wonderful parents and I can not wait to meet the little man!!!!!!!!

Easy Kid Art

Back to my pinterest crafts.  I saw a lot of kid paintings that involved vinyl lettering and finger painting.  Not only did it look easy I had everything in my house to do this, so one random tuesday night when we had nothing better to do I busted out:

  • Trash Bags (easy drop cloth)
  • Paint (finger paint would probably of been the best choice but we used acrylic)
  • Canvas (bought on sale over a year ago)
  • Vinyl lettering (leftover from the science fair)

Take your trashbag and cut it so it lays flat for the worlds easiest drop cloth clean up.  Then take your letters and write whatever you want as well as make any design you want on your canvas.  Ours looked like this.

Then put your paint in separate blobs on the trash bag and let the kiddo's go at it!  

Right before...

A few minutes into this I realized Clara was still confused on what she was supposed to do...

So Rhiannon and I helped in giving her some direction.

(As you can tell by the video, she definitely got it after that and it didn't take long for the canvas to be caked with paint.)

Since the canvas was so caked with paint it was a little hard finding the letters with out messing up their creation.  I am actually pretty sure there are some dots still buried under all that paint!

Final project:

Clara is so proud of this.  She always points to it and says "Mine, Ne-ne.  Mine, Ne-ne."  (Toddler translation:  Look what Rhiannon and I did!  Look what Rhiannon and I did!)

One last friday thought for you all, I found this online and feel like I need to share.  This is how I am living the rest of this year.  

The only thing that is missing is MORE HAPPY.  


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