- had three christmasses
- survived new years (and it seemed as though every year the girls wear less and less clothes on new years. its COLD ladies. at least wear pants that cover your entire bum, or, dresses that do not have holes cut out in them.)
- Hosted a successful 1-2-3 birthday party
- knocked about 35 items off of our to-do list for the wedding (which is an alarmingly 61 days away! where's my paper bag??? I need to breathe......)
Here are a few captures of the past month in the life of us....
The Puppy came back home! After what was the longest two weeks of frustration I have FINALLY broke him from pooping all over my floor......
(Clara is mocking Buehrle)
Christmas Umbrella!!!!
These clear umbrella's are a wonderful thing to have in this city when you are not tall. You can protect your face from the rain AND from other peoples umbrellas!)
Family Sledding Day!!!!!
Clara enjoyed the sledding, but hated the not being able to walk in her snowsuit!
New Years Eve with my Love while being surrounded by scantily clad women.
Aunt Dawn's Birthday Shot!!!!!
Christmas with Gramma and Papa
Birthday Madness!!!!!!
Since my sisters kids were turning 1 & 3 and Clara is turning 2 all around the same time she came up with the brilliant idea for a 1-2-3 birthday party to make it easier for the family to get together to celebrate.
She did such a wonderful job taking care of all the big stuff for this day! Thank you Christi! I could have never pulled this off!

Setting up is over now lets get this party going!!!!
Clara with two of her favorite people....Ju-ju and Amana.
It really isn't a birthday party if your mom doesn't make you cry.......right?
(worst mom ever)
Cake Time!!!!!
(Ju-Ju tried to blow his candle out with his fingers...)
Here Clara is still to timid to touch her cake since I said No no no! while trying to get a before picture. (Once again, worst mom ever.)
Clara says thank you to all her friends and family who came to make her birthday party a success! She is having so much fun today with all of her new toys!!
(She refused to eat breakfast unless "tangled" was eating breakfast with her and then did her hair for a good 30 minutes.)
One last thing I want to add directed towards my Aunt and Uncle, I know we said this 500 times yesterday, but THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for helping us out and watching the kids yesterday! We would have never been able to find such a perfect outfit for the Mister to wear for our wedding if it were not for you. The girls had so much fun with you, Rhiannon didn't want to leave and told me that next time I need a sitter I should always take her to your house!
Times like these I am reminded of just how lucky I am to have a family who not only loves each other unconditionally but also never questions that family comes first, ALWAYS.
I am very blessed for the family I was born into and I hope each and every one of you know that I love you SO much and am so happy to see each and every one of you this weekend!!!
Cute birthday cakes! Do you know where they came from? I'm starting to look into that for Carter's 1st birthday in April.
ReplyDeleteMy sister was a pastry chef before she started a family. I can ask her if she is interested in making a cake for you if you want!