The Mister and I celebrated Easter at our house this weekend.
We are aware that it is a week early but we have good reason. Plus it helped us not have a meltdown.
Let me explain.....
- We are not religious, so who cares when we celebrate a giant bunny/egg dying day anyway?
- Real Easter actually falls on our wedding anniversary, and that is a bit more important to me.
- The park by our house had an Easter egg hunt on Sunday.
So.......the park by our house had an Easter egg hunt that I was really excited to take Clara to. They were supposed to have games, music, the actual Easter bunny, etc etc.
Clara was very excited to go on the egg hunt.
I vividly remember how my Easter egg hunts went as a kid. All the kids lined up until the person in charge yelled GO! Then you ran over the hill and looked for all the eggs, hidden in the grass.
(Of course this was after church service. Everyone had on their pretty new dresses and it was all very festive.)
This is not how this hunt went at all.
The people who put together the hunt grossly underestimated the amount of children who were going to show up.
Waiting in line and SO EXCITED! |
By the time we made it to the gym (where the "hunt" was scheduled) there were no eggs left to find.
This was after we waited in line for 15 minutes promising our 3 year old candy filled eggs.
Where are the eggs at, Mom? |
Anyone who has ever had - or known - a 3 year old can probably imagine how that went down.
We decided to go to the other side of the building where the Easter bunny was taking pictures with the kids.
This was as close to that bunny Clara wanted to be.
So we left with a very disappointed child.
Then my Mister had the most fantastic idea EVER! He told Clara that the Easter bunny was actually going to come to our house during nap time and hide her egg hunt eggs in the basement, but ONLY if she napped.
Seriously. Why do kids always fall for the magical creatures bringing you crap - but only if you sleep first bit?
I will never understand it. Nor will I question it because it worked!
No muss no fuss at going down for nap-time AND not a single tear shed over the lack of egg hunting.
That Mister, he sure is a smart one.
Look at all my eggs! |
Nap time over! |
After she had found all of the eggs the Bunny left for her we spent the rest of the afternoon doing this....
Some of my favorites......
Clara designed this one.
In case you cant figure it out, here are some kitties that are about to be hit by rocket ships.
But don't worry because the firemen will rescue them.
This one was made for the Mister.......
And these were made BY the Mister.
I hope everyone had a fantastic weekend filled with as much basketball as we did!
Happy Monday!