On Saturday we woke up early and decided a family stroll to the zoo was in order.
Here is Clara and Rhiannon meeting the "big kitty"
and learning where milk comes from....Although she has no idea what milk is or tastes like.......
I don't know if you remember back to when I first blogged about going to the zoo with my sister. We were in the monkey house and this guy here tried to throw himself out of the cage to (I can only presume) eat Rhiannon's face off. Well Rhiannon had just finished telling us how she wants to become the next Jane Goodall. We walked up to the little dudes cage. He was swinging back and forth, happy as can be.
As soon as he saw Rhiannon he jumped off his vine and stood there staring at her for a minute while sucking his thumb. (Just like last time.) All of a sudden he jumped towards her banging against the glass ,with his fangs bared just like last time! I now believe he has a problem with her, especially
there were about 10 other people standing around the cage as well.
After our stroll, and Rhiannon's scare, we decided pancakes were in order.
The Mister and I ended our Saturday fun times with a karaoke party and some double date action.
Us lucky girls had the boy's full attention. (insert sarcasm)
But at least we had each other!!!
I hope everyone's Monday is going well.
The baby and I actually tried to go for a walk on this WINDY Monday and a tree fell across the road about three feet in front of us!
(True story. I took that as a sign to go back inside!!!!!!)
(P.S. We are all very excited that tonight is Rhiannon's first softball game!)