Monday, October 31, 2011

Who's That?

Real Conversation from this Weekend

Rhiannon was flipping through the radio stations while we were on our way to grandmas house this weekend.  She stopped and started singing to Cindi Lauper's girls just wanna have fun.  I looked over at her and gave a little half raised eyebrow/smirk.  The conversation then goes like this...

R:  What?  It's the Goonies!

Me:  This is NOT the Goonies.  It's on the movie.  

R:  Well, same thing Mom.  What, do you not like this song?

Me:  No I like it just fine.  I've just heard it about 5 million times that all.

I then tell her the story of how I sang this song with a few of my friends when I was in high school.  We had kareoke day and me and three other girls dressed up like the spice girls.  However the DJ didn't have spice girls so we instead chose this song and sang it in front of the entire school.  

R:  Who's the Spice Girls?


Then about fifteen minutes later we were listening to Justin Bieber.  (You know you are jealous of this car ride we had.)  About three songs into his album she got really quiet.  I asked her why and got this...

R:  You know mom, I bet someday Justin Bieber is going to grow up and get a deep voice and facial hair. Then nobody's going to care about him anymore.  Then I bet he gets a wife and that nobody likes her either.

You know what kid, I bet you are 100% correct.

Happy Halloween to you all!  Tonight I am going to use the same cloak I do every year and make yet another successful costume out of it!  I will show you it tomorrow.....Until then I hope you have a great day!

(Clara and her very first leaf pile fun!)

Thursday, October 27, 2011

What NOT To Do When You See a Puppy

Being so close to the lake, hospitals and colleges our street is fairly busy and has heavy foot traffic.  All kinds of folks walk by our front yard.  Old, young, big, little, rich and poor, yuppie, hipster, all the different kinds that this city is made up of.

I have noticed that it doesn't matter which of these categories these people fall in, at least every third person who walks by my yard stops, leans OVER my fence, pets my puppy and asks all sorts of questions.

PEOPLE!  I understand the pup is adorable!  That is why I got him!!!!!  But let me make one thing perfectly clear.



And, just so you know, these excuses do not make it okay either.

"Oh, its okay.  I'm a dog lover!" 

"We used to raise dogs."

"I had Airedales growing up!"

"It's okay, I don't mind if he nibbles on my hand a little."

Well guess what Creep, I DO!  The final straw came when my oldest took Buehrle out to play.  I looked outside to check on them after a few minutes.

I saw the CREEPIEST MAN EVER bent completely over the fence and was practically picking the dog up.

When I ran outside (like a bat out of hell) to tell the man to stop I found him trying to ask Rhiannon personal questions.

(Luckily my daughter was smart and just stood there silent.  I taught her "stranger danger" quite well.)

Since I can't install a taller fence (which is 100% needed) I instead went on a hunt for some type of tree or hedge to plant next to the fence to keep people from coming into our personal space.


These were on sale at hd when I went to buy the mums and they would have been perfect!

However, when I went back two days later they were gone.  So I went to this nursery called The Fertile Garden.  I learned two new things.

  1.   If you are looking to buy bushes, trees, hedges etc. NOW is the time.  
  2.  Bushes, trees, hedges are EXPENSIVE AS HELL!  

So I really enjoyed getting mine at 50% off.  The man was very knowledgeable.  I told him my problem and he walked me through everything they had.  I ended up choosing hedges.  Apparently they are quick growing and super low maintenance.   I could only find three.  I wish there were four, but the man at the nursery assured me they would grow 6 inches out and up by the end of winter.

Fence Before (with cutest little dog owner ever!)

Fence right after I finished planting 

Like I said, I wish there were four, but they get to be 8-10 ft in width.  Also, in case you were ever wondering, Those little buggars are heavy!  Now I know it is Thursday, but I get to see my Mama today so to me it is like a Friday 


But before I leave lets have a quick recap of what we learned:

  • It's never okay to enter someone else's yard without permission.  (This includes leaning over their fence)
  • It's never okay to touch someone else's property just because you think its cute (this includes someone else's dog.  I wouldn't come pick your baby up just because I think its cute.  Same thing, folks.)
  • It is never okay in a million years to try and talk to someone else's daughter THAT YOU DON'T KNOW and ask her personal questions.  Especially if you are a man, you CREEP. 

Monday, October 24, 2011

Mums the word!

I had such a great weekend.  On Friday as soon as Rhiannon got out of school I packed up the car and went to visit this beautiful soul right here.....

This woman is so wonderful!  The trip was to short but just what I needed to get my head on straight again.

Before I came home we made a quick trip to a local nursery to get the biggest cheapest and most beautiful mums ever!  They are so lush and full I could only fit three in my car.  (Mind you I also had a baby, tween and puppy.  It was a quite a full car.  best part?  They were only $3!!!!!!!!!)

After I got them in the ground it became extremely clear that I needed. more.  

Reluctantly, I went to the home depot to try and find more.  (I was only reluctant to do this because I knew they wouldn't be nearly as big or beautiful as the ones I purchased at the nursery.  I also knew they were going to be ridiculously overpriced.)

I was correct in that assumption.

Where I could only fit three of the nursery's mums in my car I could easily put 8 in the good old radio flyer.  

But I "needed" them, so I sucked it up.

The baby "helped" me plant.  (AKA putting the dirt in the wagon.)  Then the Mister caught her picking all the flowers off.  (Little stinker!)

Here she is getting an explanation on why it is NOT OKAY to pick mommy's flowers!

Buehrle even helped me out by taking the trash and scattering it all over the yard!  

(However, he has been VERY good about staying OUT of my flower beds.)

I think the best part of the weekend was finally getting our engagement photos back late last night!  They are amazing!  I couldn't be happier with the photographer we chose!  

If you, or anyone you know is getting married in the chicago area I highly recommend her!  

I hope everybody has an amazing week!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Meatloaf Mama

I know that it is pretty cliche for the housewife to make her mister and kids eat meatloaf.  However in this house it is a request from my family.  They absolutely love it.  

(Personally I think it is kind of gross.  I always load up on vegetables in it so I want to eat it too.)  

However it is SO easy to make and doesn't dirty the kitchen up at all, so I don't mind meatloaf nights.  Every time I make it I do it differently, I will share two of my family's favorite recipes with you now.


  • 1 1/2 LBS of ground meat  (I use hamburger, you can use whatever you like)
  • 1 whole leek (chopped and wash well)
  • 2 ribs celery (chopped)
  • 2 peppers (chopped, I try and use two different colors to make it pretty)
  • 1 c oatmeal
  • 1 c cooked rice
  • 2 tbsp italian seasoning
  • 1 packet of beefy onion soup mix
  • 2 eggs

  1. Preheat oven to 375
  2. Mix everything together really well.  (with your hands.  I find this part to be really gross and usually have the Mister do it.)
  3. Shape into a loaf or put in a loaf pan and cook for 1 to 1 1/2 hours.

This is just a basic recipe.  I use oatmeal and rice because I usually have this in my fridge.  You could substitute crackers, bread crumbs, anything dry really.  Its only used as a binding agent so the more veges you use the less dry stuff you will need.  Also, I always use salsa to put it on top, mainly because I think putting ketchup is gross and I always have salsa on hand.

Another version of this recipe that I made in the past is instead of putting the onion soup mix in I put taco seasoning (from trader joe's) in.  This is by far my favorite.  I still add all the vege's I can, but the taco seasoning REALLY spices it up.  Then I can serve it with sour cream (mmmmmm most favorite thing EVER!) freshly chopped cilantro and onions and it it doesn't quite taste like meatloaf anymore.  

Do you make meatloaf?  If so, how do you flavor yours?

Rhiannon's volleyball team is starting to play games now.  Its so exciting to see her play!  The Mister takes her to the park to practice and she is getting so good!  I am very proud of how well she is doing   :)


(I was never good at volleyball so I am not sure where she gets all this hand eye coordination at!)

(I love this picture.  They both look so darn cute!)

Happy Friday To You All!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Miso Crazy!

Yesterday kind of sucked.  The whole entire day was bad so I decided to end it with a bang (of my knee.)

First, while at the park and trying to teach Buehrle to walk on a leash I tripped on a tree root and rolled my ankle pretty bad.  It hurt but I just brushed it off.  Later at home while walking over the gates we have up for the dog I tripped and did a nose dive to the floor.  I ripped my favorite pair of pants and gashed my knee up

At supper time my ankle started to really hurt and by the time the family was done eating I couldn't walk.  I was SO worried that I wouldn't be able to walk today (which really wouldn't work for me and the dogs bathroom schedule, especially since it is raining and the dog wont go outside unless I make him)  Luckily for me I have the best Mister ever (who carried me around last night) and I can hobble walk today.  (Phew)

Today Clara, Buehrle and I all embarked on a new adventure.  We gave the dog a bath and I am 99% sure I did not do it right.  However he did really good and Clara was the best "help" ever!  


Starting to get unsure........

(I'm glad this dog puts up with us crazy females.)

If you have any good tips on the best way to wash your dog, I would love to have them!


This is what I had for lunch today.  It is SOOOO good and cheap as hell.  Not to mention super easy to make.  (And for you working girls, you can just throw this into a tupperware and add hot water at lunchtime!)

Once upon a time, not to long ago I was a waitress at a sushi bar in St. Louis.  At this time I was also as broke as a girl could be.  The ingredients to this concoction above is a mixture of what the restaurant allowed its employees to eat for free.  I would usually eat this twice a day.  (Its no wonder I was a stick back then.)

  • Miso soup
  • Rice
  • Scallions
  • Siracha
  • Soy sauce
  • Seaweed  (I hate seaweed so if I had a choice I would not add this.)
Since I don't have a vat of delicious miso soup at my fingertips I now buy the instant packets at the grocery and throw this all together.  Here in Chicago it has officially turned into a blustery wet and cold fall.  I think it is definitely time to put this into my lunch rotation.

Happy Wednesday To You All!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

New hairs and salsa chicken

I think I am going to cut my hair right after the wedding.  And I mean before we jump on the plane to go on our honeymoon, right after the wedding.

This is a picture of how short my hair is right before I started growing it out.........

Super cute, Super short, and most importantly SUPER EASY!!!

Don't get me wrong, I like my long hair.  Its just, I don't really like styling it and since Aunt Codi moved far far away I no longer have anybody to style it for me anymore.

So here are some ideas of what I am thinking....

I lovelovelovelovelove this.


I think this one might be the winner.  If I were to go to the salon today this is what I would leave with.

I also like this one, however I feel like that is a little to short for me.  I would constantly feel like Julie Andrews in The Sound of Music if I did this.  Plus I don't think the Mister would care for it.

I'm conflicted on if I like this or not.  Sometimes I think I like it....Sometimes I think it is a bit to emo for my taste.  (Actually, the more I look at it the more I think it looks like Justin Bieber, Can you see that too?)

Once again, I like this.  Perhaps I like it because the model is elfish in appearance.  I'm just not sure if I can go that short again......

What are your thoughts on short hair?  More specifically, what are your thoughts on these cuts?

(Here I am right after I got sick of having hair in 05 or 06 and I told my roomie to just "shave it all off".  I called my hairdresser beforehand to ask her the proper way to go about it and she begged me to at least use an 8 guard.  I listened and three minutes later.......I looked like this.)

(Best part about this cut?  2 second dry time.)

Now lets talk about something that actually matters.


Yesterday Rhiannon had a volleyball game.  Since we were going to be at that I decided to throw something in the crock pot.  I found a really easy recipe at  

Chicken.  Can of Black Beans. Salsa.

That is my kind of recipe.  I always have beans in the house.  I always have chicken in the house.  And since my friend Kerry ALWAYS brings delicious chips and salsa when she comes over I have about a half a dozen half eaten delicious jars of salsa in my fridge that need to be eaten up.  This is my own personal take on this super duper easy recipe.

Ridiculously Easy Salsa Chicken

  • 4-5 chicken breasts
  • 1 jar of salsa
  • 1 can of black beans
  • red or orange pepper, chopped
  • 1 onion, chopped

  1. Throw everything in the crock pot and cook on high for at least 4 hours.
  2. Make some rice.
  3. Stir the mixture up and serve over rice.

This is the types of salsa I used.  They were both 1/2 full.

(Before cooking)

I originally planned on chopping up some cilantro, onion and avocado to serve this with.  However by the time we got home from Rhiannon's volleyball I was to exhausted to even eat.  I took a bite of Rhiannon's and it was REALLY good.  I think for lunch today I will have to give it a proper try.

This is definitely one of those recipes where there is a lot of room for improvement.  If you try this one out and  make any delicious changes, please be sure and let me know!!!!!!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Scary scary ponies.

It is a beautiful, crisp fall day today.  Mr. Sean is gracing us with his presence and so far it has been a nice relaxing morning.  Here are just a few things that are making me happy right now.

 This is by far saving my life right now, (especially since Rhiannon and I had a late night paper writing session...)

I finally replaced our bubble supply.  This made the kids happy.  When the kids are happy I am happy.

Last night I raked up our yard and make a nice leaf pile in the corner.  Buerhle is in love with his little outdoor crunchy bed.  Its really cute watching him freak out while jumping around on it.

Things that make me not so happy today........

Oh No!!!!!!!  The dreaded share monster!!!!!  NOT FAIR!!!!!!!
(when does sharing become fun?)

Anything pony related.  Seriously.

Here's something you may or may not know about me, I actually don't like ponies in real life as well.  As a matter of fact, I HATE THEM.  But its not just ponies, I also hate horses, donkeys, horse-like dogs, etc. And for good reason.  Those buggers scare the crap out of me.  Its not just a little heart jump either.  It is a paralyzing fear where I genuinely feel like my life is in danger when they are near.  (Not to mention, they always seem to target me and send me warning stomps of their giant killer hooves while making snorts with their giant snouts as they're looking all crazy eyed at me.)  

Here is a perfect example of how horses are trying to kill me.  While the mister and I were in Hawaii years back we decided to stroll around the hotel grounds and in the "foresty" part.  The Mister walked out of this clearing.  I was standing in the middle of a path.  All of a sudden about 15 giant mother f'ing horses came thundering around the corner and came running full speed RIGHT TOWARDS ME!  I screamed so loud and almost wet myself from fright.

The Mister thought it was HILARIOUS.

 I have had this fear as long as I can remember.  While talking about it with my mother recently she told me a story and now my irrational fear makes perfect sense.

When I was just a young little gal we lived in the country.  When we first moved into our farmhouse it was really rough around the edges.  (We had to remodel almost every room.)  The playroom was on the first floor.  There were no screens in the windows yet.  

One day I was in the playroom minding my own business and sitting by the open window.  (We didn't have air conditioning.)  Simultaneously while I was playing one of our cousin's horses from down the road had broke free and was on the loose.  


Mom said I completely lost my shit and it took her a long time to calm me down.  Can you imagine being a 7-8 year old kid and have that happen to you?????  His face was right next to mine.  I am quite sure to this day that he wanted to eat me for a snack.

 And from then on, I have been terrified of those giant scary beasts.  After my mom had reminded me of that incident it all came back to me like it was yesterday and I clearly remember every detail.  

Moral of the story:  Its kind of mean of the universe to make me watch a cartoon of ponies all day.  Please make my child become obsessed with a different show soon.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Brandy, you're a fine girl...

Why yes, I will put a little brandy in my coffee on this fine, chilly and laid back Sunday.

I'm beat today.  BUT I put some roast in the crockpot so I feel as though I have accomplished enough to enjoy some brandy and coffee while listening to the moby station on pandora (don't judge, we all have our own motivational tools) and blogging on my kitchen floor with this guy right here......(Also, please look past the dirty floor.  I'm moving a little slow today.)   

(He really is so freaking cute.  Stinky, but cute.)

Yesterday we had our engagement shoot (done by the amazing Amanda Megan Miller!)  We had so much fun!  I was really nervous before going, I don't particularly feel comfortable having a camera all up in my mug and I know this is the first time the Mister has ever had anything remotely close to a photo shoot before.  Plus the baby is coming down with a killer cold and isn't in the best of moods as of late.  

Clara   cooperated as much as her little body would let her.  Rhiannon was the best big sister and Mama's helper a gal could ask for, and the mister did the best he could.  (Actually I think he really enjoyed himself.)  Amanda put a teaser up on her FB page and I can not wait to see them all!!

I realize that I get a little crazy sometimes.  I need things to go PERFECTLY.  And if they don't I have little mini awesome panic attacks.  It really sucks for me so I can only imagine how it is for my family to have to deal with my mini meltdowns.  At a recent Bears party my future SIL came over looking AMAZING (like usual).  Towards the end of the day I realized it was because of her amazing full beautiful eyelashes.  I pulled her aside and asked her what she did and she told me all about eyelash extensions and how wonderful they were.  I could only agree with everything she was telling me!  Her eyelashes looked 100% natural!  I decided I needed them.  So before our engagement shoot I set out to find some.

One difference between the middle of Illinois prices and Chicago prices for salon (in case you were wondering) is about $200-$400.  I was outraged at the prices people were expecting me to pay for some measly eyelashes!!!  Finally after a full week of searching I found one salon in evanston that charged $25.

Wa hooooo!!!!!!

I went in and told the lady I wanted them to look natural.  I told her this was my first time and I was getting them for a photo shoot.  She then made me look like this.

The mister told me he had a hard time looking at me because it was like looking at a doll.

I couldn't wear my glasses and blink at the same time.

They poked me in the eyebrows if I used any facial expressions at all (like opening my eyes.)

They were not what I asked for.  They were horrible.

Unfortunately, I didn't have time to have her fix them.  If I had stayed any later I wouldn't have been home in time to let Rhiannon in the house after she got out of school.  I had a friend trim them for me so I could function and not look ridiculous for the photo shoot the next day.

Then last night I rubbed my eye and a big clump of eyelash fell out of the middle.  I went and looked in the mirror.  Much to my horror they took most of my real, beautiful long eyelashes with them.  After scouring the internet I found olive oil and very hot compresses would help aid in getting rid of them.  The end result was little to no eyelashes left on my eye.  (sorry for the gross close up.)

BE WARNED.  PAY THE EXTRA MONEY FOR THE IMPORTANT SERVICES!!  (you know, like eyelash extensions.  Because NOT having eyelashes REALLY SUCKS.)

And drink some brandy.  It makes you feel fine.  :)

Friday, October 14, 2011

woo hoo!

I finally have another computer to replace my sad stolen little guy!!!!!




I have been lonely without computer access.

I promise to write more interesting things soon and often.  Until then enjoy these pictures while I go roast a chicken.

Clara, bossing Buehrle around.

Clara being a bears fan.

(I promise I do love my oldest daughter just as much as my baby, however she doesnt like me to take her picture, ever.)